Kingspan Kooltherm K8 Cavity Board


Kingspan Kooltherm® K8 Cavity Board is a super high performance, fibre-free rigid thermoset closed cell phenolic insulation core, sandwiched between two layers of reflective, low emissivity composite foil. Available in a range of thickness. Select thickness required to see actual price and product information.

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Kingspan Kooltherm K8 Cavity Board Insulation

Rigid Cavity Wall Insulation

Kingspan Kooltherm K8 Cavity Board is a high performance, fibre-free rigid insulation suitable for cavity wall applications. It has a thermoset phenolic insulation core, sandwiched between two layers of reflective, low emissivity composite foil autohesively bonded to the insulation core during manufacture. This reflective, low emissivity surface improves the thermal resistance of any cavity adjacent to the board.

  • Made in Australia
  • Clear cavity is maintained
  • CodeMark-certified for NCC compliance
  • CFCs/HCFCs free, zero Ozone Depleting Potential (ODP), and low Global Warming Potential (GWP)

Insulation Victoria online store sells a wide range of thermal and acoustic insulation products. In addition to this, we also sell Kingspan Kooltherm®, Kingspan Air-Cell®, Mass Loaded Vinyl, Nuwrap Pipe Lagging Insulation, Foilboard Greend Rigid Panels, Fibertex Rock-wool, Autex GreenStuf, Knauf Earthwool, Fletchers Pink Batts and Bradford Gold Batts.

If you have any questions or require a special delivery quotation, don’t hesitate to Contact Us! You can also get a free obligation quote here. Check out other insulation supplies in Insulation Victoria.

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25mm (20 boards), 40mm (40 boards)


12.2, 7.32



Specification Guide

Product Datasheet
