Polyester Solutions PolyBatts Ceiling Insulation Batts


Consumers both commercial and domestic have very good and sound reasons to specify polyester insulation, as much of the raw materials used in the manufacture is recycled material P.E.T (polyethylene terephthalate),(clear plastic beverage containers). No gloves, masks or boiler suits required to handle our range of products.



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Polyester Ceiling Insulation Batts Quality Assured

Polyester Solutions Ceiling Insulation Batts are made to the highest standards and comply with the building code of Australia AS/NZS4859.1.

Polyester Solutions Polyester Ceiling Insulation Batts Product Description

Polyester Solutions PolyBatts are specially formulated lightweight products manufactured from a blend of polyester fibres.  Polyester Solutions  Thermal  Batts and  Rolls contain a  high percentage  of recycled polyester fibres that are thermally bonded and manufactured to comply with AS/NZ 4859.1. Polyester Solutions Polybatts and Rolls are non-toxic and user- friendly insulation,  requiring no  specific protective clothing and will not corrode or deteriorate over time.  The products are generally white in color.


Polyester Solutions Polybatts have been designed to provide a safe and efficient form of thermal and acoustic insulation for the Australian building market. Polyester Solutions Polybatts are ideal for use in walls, ceilings and under floors (and correctly installed will improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Polyester Solutions Polybatts Insulation will support and assist in meeting the following provisions of the NCC/BCA:

NCC/BCA Volume One – Class 2-9 Buildings Section J – Energy Efficiency: Performance requirement JP1 BCA Volume One – Class 2-3 and 9c Buildings Section F – Health and Amenity: Sound Transmission and Insulation.

Performance requirements FP5.1, FP5.2, FP5.4, and FP 5.5.

NCC/BCA Volume Two – Class 1 and Class 10 Buildings

Part 2.6 -Energy Efficiency: Performance requirement P2.6.1 Part 3.8.6 – Health and Amenity, Sound Insulation: Performance requirements P2.4.6


  Standard Sizes  and Packaging


R-Value                          Size                         Nominal                                Batts                                     Area (M2)
(m2K/W)                       (mm)                      Max Thickness mm            per pack                                per pack
R2.5                        1170 x 580                         165                                         8                                         5.42
R2.5                        1170 x 430                         165                                         8                                         4.02
R3.0                       1170 x 580                          185                                        8                                          5.42
R3.0                       1170 x 430                          185                                        8                                          4.02
R3.5                        1170 x 580                         200                                        6                                          4.07
R3.5                       1170 x 430                          200                                        6                                          3.01
R4.0                        1170 x 580                         240                                       4                                           2.72
R4.0                       1170 x 430                          240                                       4                                           2.01


Insulation Victoria online store sells a wide range of thermal and acoustic insulation products. In addition to this, we also sell Kingspan Kooltherm®, Kingspan Air-Cell®, Mass Loaded Vinyl, Nuwrap Pipe Lagging Insulation, Foilboard Greend Rigid Panels, Fibertex Rock-wool, Autex GreenStuf, Knauf Earthwool, Fletchers Pink Batts and Bradford Gold Batts.

If you have any questions or require a special delivery quotation, don’t hesitate to Contact Us! You can also get a free obligation quote hereCheck out other insulation supplies in Insulation Victoria.

For additional information about warrantydelivery and returns.

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R2.5, R3.0, R3.5, R4.0, R4.5


430mm, 580mm